Friday, August 30, 2013

Juan Carlos Delgado

One word to describe Delgado's work is unique. This is most certainly something that has never been done before. I especially love the bust. How it can change from an innocent looking sculpture to something out of a horror film. I definitely think this is multimedia. As time goes on, the sculpture changes, it's not just the same thing over and over again, every time you look at it, the bust could be different. I look forward to seeing more of his work

Course Reaction

My full name is Jesse Michael Roehrer. I was born in Morristown, NJ. Grown into being a Mets, Giants, and Devils fan, and always will be. I love film. I love watching, critiquing, shooting, editing, and almost every aspect of the film field. I was a big time snowboarder, mostly in PA, until I broke my collarbone in half. I now have plates in my collarbone, screws in my wrist, and a rod in my ankle, all from snowboarding of course, but there will never be a day that I will stop. First day of Art and Technology was yesterday. The course seems to be really laid back and is already very interesting so it keeps me on point, loving what i'm learning. Always looking forward to what I will will come up next. I expect to expand my knowledge on art and the technological aspect behind each piece, also the history of art and how it has evolved throughout time. I've been to one class and can tell i'm going to enjoy going.