Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Sheryl Oring

Sheryl Oring is pretty damn interesting as a performance artist.

I like she always incorporates herself with the typewriter. I see that almost as a signature move. I can't really compare myself on her level, but in all the movies I film for SIM class, I always have my signature backpack in at least one of scenes. Maybe in a corner or hanging up on a wall somewhere, but it is in every single on of my videos. Back to Sheryl though. She is 100% dedicated to what she is doing which is inspiring to any upcoming performance artist. If she is going to get people to write letters to the president your damn right shes going to mail em too. I think my favorite piece was the "Rilkes Offering". In NYC Oring distributed letters addressed to: A Young Poet Along 14th Street From 1st to 10th Avenue. Inside was excerpts from one of Rilkes Letters. I love the idea of interactive with the population just as much as closing yourself off. The audience had the choice to respond, though I am not quite sure what would happen if the did, but they had the option, I'm sure Oring something in mind for those who did. But this was my favorite piece because it took the audience back to the time before email and the easy ways of communication that we have today.

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