Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Alan Turing a Tragic Death

Alan Turing is considered to be the father to modern computing and artificial intelligence. Alan was genius and played a key role in breaking the Nazi Enigma code. Turing was a homosexual which was still illegal at the time, and was prosecuted for indecency. His was given a life changing choice between imprisonment or chemical castration. He chose the latter. Two years later, Turing was found dead in his room by cyanide poisoning. There was no suicide note with him, but only a half eaten apple, which is believed how the cyanide was delivered. Ironically, Turing had a love for Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Tying into Steve Jobs, the logo for apple with the single bite gone is to be believed that the idea came from Turing, though Jobs denies it. This is one of the more tragic stories I have read. It almost seems it came right out of a fiction book. A man, who shortened WWII by two years, is drawn to taking his own life due to the lack of social acceptance. It blows my mind, so many questions unanswered. How many world-changing ideas died with Turing?

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