Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Chip E

Now if I could be called the Godfather of House Music I could die happy, but I'm going to have to argue the best DJ title for DJ AM, god rest his soul, but no one tops his spins. Anyways ummmm i'm not really sure what to say about him and breakdancing, I did a whole bunch of research, but I didnt find anything that has him originating breakdance. I could see how people could breakdance to his music, i mean look at all the 80s movies and then listen to this guy, you can put two and two together. He got big in the same era as breakdancing emerged so I mean maybe he did maybe he didnt, but heres a great movie relative to the topic lolol and throw in some DJ AM for you and you can tell the difference and make a choice of your own. 


5 Artists


Now when someone brings up tomorrowland land to me, I am not thinking of an individual group that plays as band. Tomorrowland is more of crazy mother fucking week fueled by drugs and alcohol where you get to listen to multiple artists that play house music, trap music, dubstep, chillstep, pretty much any step you can think of its at tomorrowland. If i ever had enough money to or enough time to go, I would be at tomorrowland in a heartbeat. I know a few people that have made the journey and they have never been the same afterwards. All they can ever say is the best time in their entire life. Some of the bigger artists include DJ Karnage, Tiesto, Nerd Rage, Afrojack, SCNDL, SBKTRT, and way to many to count on one hand, forget one hand 20 hands. The first edition of the festival took place on August 14th, 2005. Two Belgian brothers, Manu and Michiel Beers, organized the festival. Tomorrowland got so fucking big throught the years they literally had to make TomrrowWorld.


Gorillaz, oh yes the Gorillaz, and no not the big monkey but one of the greatest bands to use the synth. They are the first band that I have ever seen or heard that incorporated the use of anime with their music. I have never seen any of their faces, all they use is anime music videos which is bad ass.They are an English musical and visual project created in 1998 by Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett. I dont even know what genre to put them under, I mean well heres a list: Alt Rock, Alt Hip-Hop, Trip Hop, Electro, Indie Rock, and Britpop. All I really know about them is that in the 7th grade Clint Eastwood was my goddamn jam.

Daft Punk:

Classic Daft Punk will always be one of my favorites and no not this shit he makes with like Robin Thicke. They are describes as French electronic, but I dont know what the French has anything to do with it. They got real big in the late 1990s in France and then got big in the US in like 99. His two huge singles are from 2005 which is more real techno then electric called " Robot Rock" and "Technologic" but everyone knows "Harder Better Faster Stronger" so Ill give you the mainstream Daft Punk for you simple little ears. 


I'll get off the computer music now and give you one of my all time favorite bands and by far a movement towards my favorite genre, alternative rock. Radiohead formed in 85 but they didnt get huge unitl like 95. They released Creep in 92, but suprisingly wasnt very popular at first and then it just blew up, personally I love that song, but its not his best. As of now they are rated in Rolling Stones Greatest Bands of all Time list at 75 which is holy crap your god. Thom Yorke (pronounced Tom and THHHom) is one of the greatest lead singers of all time and no one can argue otherwise. This right here is my favorite radiohead enjoy.

The Smiths:

Keep on keeping on with real music instead of just noise. The Smiths are, wait for it, my favorite band ever. They are an English alternative/classic/soft Rock band formed in 82 in Manchester. Simon Goddard argued in 2007 that The Smiths were "the one truly vital voice of the '80s", "the most influential British guitar group of the decade" and the "first indie outsiders to achieve mainstream success on their own terms". Everyone has seen Perks of Being a Wallflower so there is a lot of fake fans out there, like omg Asleep must be my favorite song int he world. I tend to laugh in their faces and walk away to let them wallow in their own self pity and social stupidity. If you actually like the music you dont listen to one song and claim it to be your favorite. I actually have The Smiths, Meat is Murder, The Queen is Dead, and Strangeways, Here We Come and break-up all on Vinyl. Call me a hipster I give zero fucks, I could never not listen to the Smiths. Well I cant even pick a favorite so heres a bunch of great songs

Sheryl Oring

Sheryl Oring is pretty damn interesting as a performance artist.

I like she always incorporates herself with the typewriter. I see that almost as a signature move. I can't really compare myself on her level, but in all the movies I film for SIM class, I always have my signature backpack in at least one of scenes. Maybe in a corner or hanging up on a wall somewhere, but it is in every single on of my videos. Back to Sheryl though. She is 100% dedicated to what she is doing which is inspiring to any upcoming performance artist. If she is going to get people to write letters to the president your damn right shes going to mail em too. I think my favorite piece was the "Rilkes Offering". In NYC Oring distributed letters addressed to: A Young Poet Along 14th Street From 1st to 10th Avenue. Inside was excerpts from one of Rilkes Letters. I love the idea of interactive with the population just as much as closing yourself off. The audience had the choice to respond, though I am not quite sure what would happen if the did, but they had the option, I'm sure Oring something in mind for those who did. But this was my favorite piece because it took the audience back to the time before email and the easy ways of communication that we have today.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Video Art

This assignment was by far my favorite this entire semester. Whenever I hear the world video, as a film major I go nuts. I started with the idea of filming someones eyes, just moving back and forth and using film filters and effects, then I decided to decontextualize the audio using three different voices and three different languages. There is latin, spanish, and french, for no particular reason. Then I was playing with the equalizer and audio effects to mess around some more. This was strictly a research project for me, messing around until I found something that worked together, but at the same do not work together at all. With all the messing around I think something with meaning actually arose. The complete and utter anarchy of the eyes and the unconditional languages and audio work together in some kind of form that I cannot really explain.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Performance Art

For my performance art piece I went into downtown with 30+ onions, I sat on the corner of west kennedy by the bus stop and proceeded to cut 30+ onions. Yes i was balling my eyes out the entire time. In society when a grown man cries how do you see him? You see him as weak, vulnerable, and a baby. I was trying to make the point that just because your a guy doesn't mean your not aloud to cry. I was cutting the onions on a calendar board for a reason. I was showing that every day of the weak something bad happens in the world to someone where someone will get upset and cry. The onions itself stand for life, and the knife is cutting a piece of your life away making it upset. but my main point was its okay to cry man, let it all out. I got some people to interact with me, but mainly looks like what the fuck is this kid doing.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

"The Giving Tree" Xerox Project

50 different copies of my hands, 20 copies of my hands with the items in my pocket, 10 with just the items in my pocket and 3 of my face. All these Xerox's resulted in a decontextualized man/tree figure. I call it the giving tree because the fingers look like leaves and the arms looks like branches. In the hands, or branches, are the various items that were in my pocket, giving them away. I decided that it would be better in public then bring to class because of the scary feel to it. Some of the reactions of passers were priceless while others were a little frightened. Its about 5 foot 7 inches, so its pretty intimidating up close. Here are the photos, if its still there its outside austin hall if you would like to see it in person.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Alan Ginsberg

To gather my information on Alan Ginsberg, I watched, and actually am currently watching Howl. As soon as I heard this quote in the movie, I looked forward to posting this blog post. Ginsberg said in Howl, "prophecy is not knowing that the bomb will fall in 1942, prophecy is knowing and feeling something which someone knows and feels in 100 years, and maybe articulating a hint that they will pick up on it in 100 years." I find this absolutely incredible. How he redefines a word, to his own relevance to his own life. Ginsberg life was very eventful. From the court case revolving around the relevance of his literary terminology, to falling in love with Jack Kerouac, to 8 months in a mental institution, to signing the papers for his mother lobotomy resulting in her death. Ginsberg is a mad man, he gives literally 0 fucks. He tells stories of taking peyote and walking down the streets of downtown, but all of his events of life are put into his poetry. He describes how to write poetry as telling the stories that you would tell your friends. Truly an inspirational man.